THT Seed Grant

THT Seed Grant (Up to 3,00,000)

THT Seed Grant aims to fill an urgent and critical gap in conservation action, focussing mostly on lesser-known species and critical habitats. The grant will be administered for up to one year.

Selection Parameters

  • Proposed objectives and goals of the project.
  • Methodology for the execution of the project objectives.
  • Project output measurability.
  • Priority will be given to species and/or habitats that are lesser-known, data deficient or critical.

Selection Criteria

  • Conservation Projects that are action oriented and need a timely, yet short-term intervention.
  • The projects can be a component of a bigger project with independent conservation output.
  • An urgent and topical conservation intervention such as rapid assessments, development of new or testing of methodologies, protection of critical habitats from threats etc.

List of documents for Seed Grant

Organisational documents (PDF/DOC/PNG/JPG):

  • PAN Card (Under 2MB)*
  • Registration document: Certificate of Incorporation/ Registered Trust Deed/ Society Registration Certificate (Under 2MB)*
  • Memorandum of Association & Articles of Association /Bye-Laws (Under 2MB)*
  • Income Tax Returns for the last two years (Under 2mb)*
  • Certificate of exemption under Section 80G/Section 35(1)(ii) of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 (Under 2MB)*
  • Certificate of exemption under Section 12AB of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (Under 2MB)*
  • Declaration form (PDF/JPG/Under 2 MB)*: Please print declaration form and upload hand signed original copy

Individual documents (PDF/DOC/PNG/JPG)

  • Profile/CV of applicant with image (PDF/DOC/500 words/Under 2 MB)*
  • PAN Card (Under 2MB)*
  • Aadhaar Card (Under 2MB)*
  • Income Tax Returns for the last two years (Under 2MB)*
  • Letter of recommendation (Min 1/Max 3) (PDF/DOC/PNG/JPG/Under 2 MB) *
  • Declaration form (PDF/JPG/Under 2 MB)*: Please print declaration form and upload hand signed original copy

Selection Process

The applications will be evaluated by an Internal Grants Review Committee every month and the recipient(s) will be announced during the last week of the month.