The International Olympic Committee (IOC) initiated the Olympic Forest initiative as an important element of its strategy to address climate change, which includes cutting emissions in line with the Paris Agreement and reducing the impact of the organisation’s footprint. In India, the Abhinav Bindra Foundation Trust (ABFT), which is the IOC’s regional partner, has teamed up with the Odisha Government to implement Olympic Forests in India. Where the Odisha Forest Department has carried out plantations of one million trees on select sites. The IOC, on recommendation from IUCN, suggested ABFT to consult with The Habitats Trust for technical inputs for restoration. Following up on this advice, The Habitats Trust (THT) was approached by ABFT to provide advice and direction to the Olympic Forest initiative in India by incorporating ecological restoration practices. THT is now partnering with ABFT to provide inputs to implement ecological restoration best practices in areas designated as Olympic Forests in Odisha.